Selebrity News

There is nothing more entertaining than entertainment news...unless of course it's entertainment news online!

Celebrity Gossip Phenomenon

 Gossip Phenomenon

Celebrities are everywhere and they have taken over today's mass media. They appear on the renowned tabloids and there is even a large variety of celebrity magazines.

People know more about Paris Hilton, than they do about President Bush. Celebrities always appear in the news for a variety of reasons. Some of them get drunk and make a fool of themselves, or others may even be divorcing or doing things which we would classify as out of ordinary. However, whatever they are doing, we are all turned to watch and pay careful attention to the celebrity gossip. You may ask yourself, what makes the celebrities so special that people are entertained hearing about them?

If celebrities have marriage problems, what makes hearing about them more interesting that your friends' or your neighbours' divorce? I'm sure you would not be interested in hearing about that. Is it because they are more famous, have more money and therefore hearing about their problems is more important? Do you feel that hearing about them makes a difference? Whatever this phenomenon is, the celebrity gossip business is kept alive due to people's curiosities.

As Oscar Wilde once said: "The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing". Would you say that the public spends too many hours a day learning about what celebrities do with zero results? You and thousands of other people may say it's for entertaining purposes and the majority would agree. Why else would this business be worth millions of dollars ($)?

In conclusion, there are millions of websites, magazines and tabloids out there busy learning about latest celebrity gossip and lifestyle. Some philosophists agree that the mass media has gone out of hands but there's nothing we can do at the present state. It is all happening due to people's preferences. The readers are what continuously feed this madness of celebrity news and gossips so it's all owed to them.

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