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Relation between drug use and celebrity

Relation between drug use and celebrity

The relation of drug abuse and celebrities are very well known to everyone. On every news channel there is not a single day that they are not sowing news of any celebrity going or coming from a drug rehabilitation centre. Whether it’s a singer, actor or dancer, everybody is a victim of drug abuse. Moreover, they do not even care of their image nowadays.

It’s not only about fun in celebrity's life as per belief of the common man. On the contrary they have very hectic and busy schedules which include photo shoots, night shootings, cross country flights in a single day etc. And slowly and steadily one day the glow on their face begins to vanish because of less sleep. It is rightly said that money can’t buy you happiness but it assures you that you can buy drugs from it. 
There are so many celebrities who got into the trap of drug abuse. The latest one is Lindsay Lohan, who has grown up in front of us and became one of the leading stars in the 

Hollywood. Everybody has problems in their lives, whether it’s with their friends or with family. But the difference lies in being a celebrity and a common man. Common men like us cannot afford a life driven by drugs but celebrities can have whatever they wish for, they just need to say it.
 So it’s all about having the means to get the things you desire. It’s all about the reputation in this fame world. And some celebrities do whatever it takes to get that stardom and when they achieve it goes over their heads.
Whenever there is a new star coming up in this world of fame, common men like us just hope that everything goes fine with them and they do not get into the trap of drugs. It is strange that when a person like you or I get into a relationship or break ups, nobody gets to know about it until and unless anybody is told about it. We feel depressed and mourn in private till the time we are set to move on. But this does not happen in celebrity's life.
 They are constantly under the eye. The main cause of celebrities going for the drug abuse is their thinking that they are not under any law.

However, this is not true as the same laws apply for them also and they also can be winded up in jail if required.
Serenity Manor East is leading alcohol and drug rehabilitation center in New York.  We exist to provide a safe, nurturing, and effective course of alcohol and drug treatment,  in a serene, high end environment, that will empower all who walk  through our doors to go on to live a productive and happy life.

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